The key issue here is the date of the decree. Period 1 – 49 years (Daniel 9:25)ĭuring this period, the Jews would rebuild the city of Jerusalem in troubled times. All of these wonderful accomplishments would be fulfilled during seventy weeks – 490 years – that Gabriel divided into three significant periods: 49 years, 434 years and 7 years. When Jesus returns, He will establish His righteous kingdom (Jeremiah 23:5-6 31:31-34) and rule in righteousness (Isaiah 4:2-6). The last three divine purposes focus on righteousness and the future kingdom of the Messiah. The Lord would “finish their rebellion,” that is, the transgression of the Jewish people, and “put an end to their sin” – Israel’s national sins (Zechariah 12:10–13:1). The first three have to do with sin and the last three with righteousness.

In answer to Daniel’s prayer, the angel Gabriel explained that during a period of “Seventy Weeks” or “seventy sets of seven” (Daniel 9:24), the Lord would accomplish six specific purposes for the Jewish people. It begins with Daniel praying for Israel, acknowledging they have sinned against God and asking for God’s forgiveness. Daniel 9 which contains the “Seventy Weeks” prophecy is no doubt one of the most significant and detailed prophetic passages in the Bible.