MINOR SPOILER ALERT! For those of you who have completed the Dark Brotherhood quest line know that in the end you are able to take an initiate with you as an companion. To change the value you want, type the following in the console:Categories: Skyrim-NPCs Skyrim-Imperial Skyrim-Imperial-Male Skyrim-Male NPCs. Can you change the appearence of an NPC in game, I have the pc version. I could erase my bounty with a console command, but I dont like cheating. I want to adjust the physical appearance of a whole lot of the NPCs, what do I need to do this? I want to be able to adjust using the parameters like you see when you're creating your character (not adding extra stuff or modifying textures. Open the NPC you want to be wearing the outfit. Drag and drop those level lists into the Outfit you created earlier. repeat steps 3 and 4 for each part of the clothes or armor.

Hey everyone there is a way to have access to a kind of showracemenu for the NPCs? My difficulty is i cant get the famous NPC Editor running (dunno why, it has problems with win8) and i need to use the CK without the texture folder for the facegendata bug (when you get the NPC forehead colored li. In the ID of the new LeveledItem add something easy to find and remember like 00LydiaOutfitBoots. Ok, so I've been wondering, is it possible to change a npc's facial/skin tone/hair appearance with the console? For instance, when I type in 'help racename 4' I get a list of npcs, sound files, ect and their respective id#s. Customizing NPCs via console - posted in Skyrim Mod Talk.A wild Forum Lurker appears!.